Privacy Policy (last updated: October 2021)

We are committed to transparency about your personal information. We ask for your consent when required, otherwise by using our Sites, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of your personal information subject to and consistent with applicable laws and other notices you may have received based on your relationship with us.

Linking to other sites

We may provide links to non-affiliated third-party sites, such as, home service providers or realestate professionals. If you follow links to sites not affiliated with or controlled by, you should review their privacy and security policies and other terms and conditions, as they may be different from those of our Sites. does not guarantee and is not responsible for the privacy or security of these sites, including the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of their information.

Protecting your personal identity information

To protect personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with applicable federal and state laws. These measures may include device safeguards and secured files as well as oversight of our third-party service providers to ensure personal information remains confidential and secure. In the event of a data breach, we provide timely notification, in accordance with applicable laws.

We also recognize the importance of protecting privacy where children are involved. Our Sites and Mobile Apps are not directed to individuals under the age of 18, and we request that these individuals do not provide personal information through our Sites. We do not knowingly collect persona information from persons under 18.

Making sure personal information is accurate

Keeping your personal information accurate and up to date is very important. If your personal information is incomplete, inaccurate, or not current, please use the Sign In option on our Sites.

Personal information we collect

How do we collect personal information online?

We collect personal information about you through your computer, smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device using cookies and similar tracking technologies as well as personal information you provide when you visit or use our Sites, for example when you:

We may use service providers and vendors to process personal information for business purposes on our behalf. Service providers and vendors are contractually obligated to comply with our policies to protect information we share with them, or they collect on our behalf.

The personal information we collect is limited to what is required to provide our products or services and to support legal and risk requirements. For additional information, please review the How do we use your personal information section of this Notice.

Types of personal information we collect online

The type of personal information we collect from and about you online will depend on how you interact with us and may include:

The type of personal information we do not collect from and about you online

How we use and share personal information

How do we use your personal information?

Personal information collected from and about you online described in this Notice may be used for many purposes such as:

We retain personal information for a period as required by laws and regulations and the necessary business purpose. We securely delete personal information as soon as legally permitted.

Individual health information does not collect individual health information, but to the extent that we receive, an individual's health information, may disclose that information as authorized by and in accordance with applicable federal and/or state law.

With whom do we share your personal information?

We may share the personal information we collect from and about you online described in this Notice (and subject to other legal restrictions and notices you may have received depending on your relationship with us) with:

Aggregated / De-identified information

Collected personal information may be aggregated and/or de-identified (we remove any details that identify you personally). We may share this aggregated and/or de-identified information with service providers, vendors, and third-party providers to help deliver products, services, and content that are better tailored to the users of our online services and for our own business purposes where permissible under applicable laws and regulations.

How to limit sharing

You have choices regarding the sharing of some personal information. Where appropriate, we will limit sharing of your personal information based on requirements of law.

Online behavioral advertising

What is Online Behavioral Advertising?

Personal information collected from and about you online as described in this Notice is used and shared to deliver advertising and marketing, including prescreened offers of services, which may be of interest to you.

We present tailored ads to you:

How we tailor ads to you

There is no standard for how "do not track" consumer browser settings should work for online advertising purposes. As such, we do not respond to browser "do not track" signals from browser settings. However, there are several opt out options available to you:


Please note that if you opt out of this advertising:

Additional information

Social Media engages with customers on social media platforms such as FacebookTM, TwitterTM, YouTubeTM and LinkedInTM.

We may allow certain non-affiliated third-party widgets (for example social share buttons) on our sites that enable users to easily share information on another platform, such as a social media platform. The non-affiliated third parties that own these widgets may have access to information about your browsing on pages of our Sites where these widgets are placed.

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